Sunday 15 March 2015

Blood, Bilge and Iron Balls play test

I'm running the game on Friday, so this weekend with the aid of two young helpers (age 8 and 4) I play tested the rules, just using some counters with 2 74 gun ships on each side.

The rules play really well. They are easy to follow (and I've made a 2 sided play sheet to help) and are great fun with a very even game.

The two French ships, named 'Bastille' and 'France' by my son took on HMS Daisy and HMS Evie (named by my 4 year old daughter!) on a wind swept carpet floor.

The British had the luck early on, able to get in the first couple of broadsides which damaged several guns on the French side. The ships blasted away at each other, with the French managing to get in position for a bow rake, but then as the ships passed this was exchanged for a British stern rake the following turn.

Soon, there were fires galore, guns being destroyed on both sides, and repairs being hastily made. The French 'Bastille' was boarded by HMS Evie and captured. Finally La France boarded HMS Daisy, and just as she was about to be captured despite starting out with many more crew stars, HMS Evie arrived and boarded her in return. The battle played out, with HMS Evie being captured, but then HMS Daisy capturing La France, but with only one crew star left!

A close fought thing, and my kids certainly enjoyed playing it. I hope the chaps at the club do, too.

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