Wednesday 1 June 2016

Soviet Rifle Regiment

I've been working on some 1941-42 Russian forces, to face the Slovaks at Lipovec and also as part of my larger Rostov project. With Andy and Nigel at NBHW we are also hoping to put on some other Barbarossa battles too.

In both cases the Russians were in retreat at the time and so were a little disorganised. As such, these models are more generic than representing a specific unit or organisation.

As both battles were in the summer, the troops are kitted out in their summer uniforms.

'Regimental' Headquarters

Here we have a Zvezda HQ unit, and I've been able to put my rigging skills to good use as I've used some black thread as the telephone cable. The Office wagon is Britannia, and the Gaz car is an Ace Models kit.
The HQ unit also provides some AA support in the form of a Quad maxim AA gun mounted on a Gaz truck, this model is from Britannia.

1st Battalion
The infantry battalions are all from Plastic Soldier Company:

Battalion HQ with Anti-tank rifle (ATR shown firing and moving).

Mortar company and Machine Gun company. The mortar company has a 50mm and an 80mm mortar, the machine gun is a Maxim, again shown firing and moving.

Three infantry companies:

2nd Battalion 

The 2nd battalion has the same organisation as the first. 

This will actually represent two reduced battalions at Lipovec. As such the 3rd company has it's LMP deployed.

Anti Tank Gun and Infantry Gun

The Anti Tank Gun is one of the early M1937 45mm AT guns and comes from Plastic Soldier Company, with the limber from Britannia I believe.

The Infantry gun is the 76mm gun, model from Zvezda with a Britannia limber.


Artillery support comes from (up to) three 122mm Howitzers. The models are a mixture - the guns themselves are from Zvezda, the crews are SHQ and the limbers are Britannia.

SMG Company
A little bit of close assault capacity is provided by the PSC...

Finally, some Lancer Miniatures casualties if/when needed:

I will arrange to put on Lipovec at NBHW soon, and will post some pics and an AAR afterwards. I'll also be needing to add another battalion, some tanks, NKVD and Partisans for the defence of Rostov!

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