Monday 2 September 2024

New Project: Thirty Years' War French!

Just before the move and all that related shenanigans, I began a project at the end of 2022 to collect a French army for the latter period of the Thirty Years' War, particularly to refight the battle of Rocroi1643.

Using the scenario from the Pike and Shotte supplement 'The Devil's Playground' the units I require are:

Louis de Bourbon, Prince of Conde

Right Wing - 3 Units of Gendarme Cuirassiers, 1 Unit of Harquebusiers, 1 Unit of Croat Cavalry

Main Body - 8 Regiments (1 unit of Pikes and 2 of Muskets each), 3 Light Cannon, 2 Medium Cannon

Left Wing - 3 Units of Gendarme Cuirassiers, 1 Unit of Cavalry

Reserve - 1 Unit of Guard Gendarme, 1 Guard Regiment, 1 Infantry Regiment.

Here are my units so far! Mostly Warlord plastics, some Warlord metals, and some Perry and Redoubt. I've currently approached the foreign units in French service, as although 1898 Miniatures have recently released a range, French miniatures are quite rare. 

Thus, the first unit is the unit of Croat Cavalry, de Raab's unit:

Next, the Guard unit - the Guardes Ecossais

A couple of light guns:

And, one of a couple of Swiss regiments in French service - hence more armoured - the Von Roll Regiment:

Next, I am working on a simple Infantry Regiment to join the Guardes Ecossais in the reserve, which was a mixed regiment comprised of 3 other regiments, and after that probably some German Harquebusiers to represent the Weimarian troops left in French service after the death of Bernard of Saxe-Weimar in 1639. By that time I will then begin the French units. I also have the Warlord figure of the Prince of Conde but I want some extra bits for a little diorama for him. Only right for him!

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